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Voices of Hope – Life Is Still Good


Taos Ski ValleyUnfortunately, my IC journey is very similar to many other IC patients. I was diagnosed three years ago with IC. The doctor showed me the scope of my bladder and was unable to show me one healthy spot.  Along with IC I was also diagnosed with endometriosis, IBS, fibromyalgia, and thyroid issues.  As many of us have experienced I was told I would no longer be able to live life like I once did.

I was a runner who worked out constantly and was very fit. In the last three years I have gained weight, become depressed, and have had to give up my career. However, just because my life is different, that doesn’t mean I have to stop living! About six months ago I decided enough was enough. I got serious about physical therapy; I joined a yoga class and began eating a Paleo diet. I have lost 20 pounds and even though I still have minor flares, they are nothing that I can’t handle. But what I am most proud of is, while on vacation, I hiked up to 11,000 feet in Taos Ski Valley in New Mexico, without pain medication! I am determined to prove that life is still good after IC!
