Videos & Webinars

Build your knowledge of interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS) through the videos below.

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Homeopathy for Urinary Tract Infections

The National Center for Homeopathy’s (NCH) free webinar, Homeopathy for Urinary Tract Infections can be viewed on the NCH website here: This informative webinar was hosted by Tanya Renner, CCH and guided viewers through using homeopathy successfully to break the cycle of repetitive bladder infections.

Voice of America Radio Interview With Rob Moldwin, MD

Dr. Robert Moldwin, ICA Board and Medical Advisory Board member, was interviewed on The Dr. Melanie Show radio program on the VoiceAmerica Variety Channel. The show was aired on Thursday, January 27, 2011. The interview can be downloaded from Dr. Melanie Barton’s content library:

What to Know Before Bladder Removal Surgery

The Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network hosted a free webinar: What Do You Wish You Had Known Before Bladder Removal Surgery? A Response from Survivors. Three patient advocates shared their advice.

The New Normal Aftere Bladder Removal Surgery

While major surgery resulting in bladder removal, enlargement, or urinary diversion is the sixth and final line of treatment for IC and is only recommended when everything else has failed, some patients have found great relief as a result. The Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network hosted two free webinars. What to expect after bladder removal surgery, preventing complications, and choosing a diversion were discussed.

Women in Pain Conference

For Grace held a uniquely empowering event for women in pain, their caregivers, and the healthcare professionals who treat them. Getting Real: Transforming Hidden Truths Into Positive Action, focused on Chronic Pain and Coping, with a special emphasis on Positive Actions and Forgiveness.

Urotoday – Pelvic Health Exclusive

Intermittent catheterization is the preferred procedure for people with incomplete bladder emptying not satisfactorily managed by other methods. In this presentation Intermittent Catheters – Teaching Self-Catheterization, Diane Newman, DNP, ANP-BC, FAAN reviews the process and provides tips for teaching patients how to self-catheterize.