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The “IC Tiger” Has Been Tamed!
I am blessed. Life is good. I have struggled with the “IC Tiger,” but that tiger has finally been tamed. There is hope. It has been over 20 years since IC showed its ugly head. Like so many others, I originally thought I had a bladder infection, but all the tests came back negative. After seeing several urologists and my gynecologist, nothing they prescribed help abate my symptoms. Life at that time was hopeless and depressing for a solid eight months until I found a phenomenal doctor, an urologist, who listened to my story and finally gave me something that worked.
This doctor prescribed 25mg of amitriptyline. I was told that I would feel sleepy for two weeks, and I was. But I persevered, and my symptoms practically disappeared. I still have flares, but now I know what to do. These are the things that helped me, and I want to share them with other IC patients. Everyone is different, so some of these suggestions might be ineffective for you:
- Go to an urologist that specializes in IC.
- Discuss various medications, such as amitriptyline, as a treatment option. I now take 75mg of this drug because my body developed a tolerance, so you may have to increase or decrease a dosage of medication for the best results.
- Pyridium, warm baths, and heating pads help with burning.
- Go on the IC diet! Especially avoid lots of caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated beverages.
- Time your trips to the bathroom and learn about bladder retraining. Use heating pads and monitor your water intake depending on the situation you are in.
- “Cast your burdens on The Lord for he cares for you.”
There is HOPE! You are your best advocate and if you keep your faith intact, you will find hope and healing attainable. I know I have.
Lori Jiroch