News & Blog

Be on the Lookout – Support Group Survey

Attention support group and former support group participants! In the coming months, the Interstitial Cystitis Association (ICA), working with ICF International, will be conducting a national evaluation of interstitial cystitis…

IC Puts Patients at Significant Risk for Anxiety, Depression, and Insomnia

A group of researchers in Taiwan have found that some patients with bladder pain syndrome/interstitial cystitis (BPS/IC) seem to be prone to some disorders, such as anxiety, that could not…

Online Support Community Latest Conversations

Have you checked out ICA’s Online Support Community recently? There are new conversations such as “IC Diet Confusion,” “Flare or UTI?,” “IC and Testicle pain,” “Scared to eat” added daily.…

Don’t Give Up!

First of all, let me acknowledge that I have not been officially diagnosed with IC. That said, I am sure I have had IC for the last four years. The…

There is Hope!

My name is Sarah Sorbel. I’m 31 and I live in Orange County, CA. In January 2008 I was diagnosed with IC, followed by endometriosis in April. I have lived…


Introducing ICare

If you want to help increase IC awareness, support research, and educate patients and healthcare providers, it’s now easier than ever. ICA has launched ICare, a new online fundraising tool…