Healthcare Resources

Learn more about managing your health and about living successfully with IC/BPS.

Living Successfully with IC/BPS

Managing your interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS) symptoms can sometimes be difficult, especially for newly diagnosed patients who are still learning about their IC/BPS. Learn more about managing your health and about living successfully with IC/BPS.

Health Insurance

Health insurance coverage is essential for people with IC/BPS. Learn more about health insurance. Check out this ICA Podcast—Brace Yourself, Curves Ahead: A Guide to the Healthcare System.

Finding the Right Doctor

It is important that you find a doctor who not only is knowledgeable about IC/BPS, but one whom you are also comfortable with. The ICA has an extensive physician database to help you in your search.

Pain Diaries

Keeping a daily diary of your pain can not only help you learn what might be triggering your pain; it can also assist your healthcare provider in determining the best forms of treatment for managing your pain.

Learn About Your Medicines

Everyone should be well informed about their medicines. Make sure you know what you need to about your IC/BPS medicines.

Create a Pill Card

Keeping a pill card on hand will ensure that you always have an accurate list of your medicines and doses, as well as help you keep track of your medicine schedule.

Patient Assistance Programs

Many pharmaceutical companies offer free or low-cost prescription medicines (both brand names and generics) to patients; these are known as Patient Assistance Programs (PAPs). Many also offer discount coupons for IC medicines.

Support Groups

Find IC/BPS support groups in the US and throughout the world. These groups are open to all who wish to attend. (There are a few support groups that cater specifically to men). Find out about a support group near you.

Become an ICA Donor

By becoming a donor to the Interstitial Cystitis Association (ICA), you are joining other patients, healthcare providers, and researchers who are committed to ensuring a better life for all of the people living with IC. You are ensuring that more dollars will be dedicated to IC/BPS research and you are ensuring that more and more people and healthcare providers learn how to treat IC/BPS effectively.

Helpful Links

Here you will find links to related organizations within and outside the US, research information, and other helpful topics.