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Designate November 2016 as National Bladder Health Month

West Front of the U.S. Capitol 1793-1863 Washington, DC, USA

Action Alert!

Be an advocate for IC patients by sending your Members of Congress a letter asking them to sponsor a Senate measure to designate November 2016 “National Bladder Health Month.”

Bladder health is an important public health issue that deserves greater visibility and public discourse. Bladder diseases and conditions such as interstitial cystitis, urinary incontinence, overactive bladder, urinary tract infections, urotrauma and bladder cancer significantly reduce health status and quality of life for tens of millions of Americans who are affected.

IC patients have a deep understanding of how increased awareness of bladder issues can foster open communication and reduce stigma surrounding bladder conditions. Currently, the American Urological Association (AUA) is working to overcome awareness barriers by seeking a Senate companion measure to House Resolution (H. Res.) 703, a measure expressing support for the designation of November 2016 as “National Bladder Health Month.”

The AUA has prepared sample language for you to use in crafting a letter to your lawmakers asking them to sponsor a Senate companion measure.

ICA believes that with increased recognition of bladder health, patients and their physicians can start having more meaningful conversations that will lead to more varied treatment protocols and an improved quality of life for IC patients.
