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Combined Federal Campaign – Designate ICA
Do you participate in the CFC program through your employer? Helping the more than 4 to 12 million with this chronic bladder condition is possible through your donation to the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). The Interstitial Cystitis Association (ICA) is a participating charity in this giving program.
How do I contribute to the IC cause and IC research funding through the CFC?
Designate #10578 as your charity of choice
- Download your CFC listing of charities and we are listed as the “Interstitial Cystitis Association”
- Look for the Medical Research Charities booth at your local federal campaign fair: Medical Research Charities helps the ICA to educate Federal employees about the CFC program and their team can tell you how to direct your contribution to the Interstitial Cystitis Association.
Give freely and with confidence that your contribution will be spent on IC advocacy, research, and education initiatives. The ICA is the only IC-dedicated charity that has been vetted and approved by the Federal government to participate in the CFC.
Talk with your spouse, family and friends and ask them to add the ICA to their CFC donor card. Also, learn how to recommend the ICA as a charity for other workplace donation campaigns.