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West Front of the U.S. Capitol 1793-1863 Washington, DC, USA

You can be an ICA Advocate and meet with the local offices of your members of Congress who will be in their districts from Monday, August 1st until Friday, September 2nd. Legislators use this time away from Capitol Hill to meet with their constituents and learn about the issues impacting the people they represent. Advocates for ICA can use this opportunity to educate their legislators about interstitial cystitis (IC) and how they can assist and support affected individuals. You do not need to be an expert in government to be effective, you just need to be willing to tell your story. ICA will equip you with the rest. There’s POWER in your story – give it a voice through ICA advocacy!

The Issues:
Each year, ICA outlines a federal advocacy agenda that is focused on advancing medical research, facilitating treatment development, and improving healthcare for the millions of people living with IC. In order for members of Congress to understand and take appropriate action on these issues, their offices need to be properly educated by constituents – one of which is YOU. And you don’t have to be politically minded to participate. You just need to tell YOUR story.

Taking Action is Easy:

  • Inform ICA of your interest in making a local congressional visit by contacting our Washington Representative Philip Goglas II at Please provide Phil with your address and zip code so ICA can identify your legislators.
  • Consider making a local visit as a group, either with colleagues or other affected individuals from your area that you know.
  • ICA’s Washington Representative will send you the contact information for the local congressional office near you. Please call this office and work to schedule a recess meeting at a time that is convenient for you or your group’s schedule.
  • ICA’s Washington Representative will send you branded advocacy materials to provide to the office(s) that you meet with. These materials include comprehensive information that can assist you with discussing the issues.
  • ICA’s Washington Representative is available to advise and assist you with making an effective local visit. Please let ICA know if you would like any training and we will connect you with the appropriate folks so they can support your efforts and answer any questions you might have.
  • Meet with your local congressional office, tell your story, ask them for their assistance on key issues, provide them with the branded advocacy materials, and then report back to ICA with a brief summary of your discussion and whether you believe any follow up is needed. Reports should be submitted to ICA’s Washington Representative Philip Goglas II at