News & Blog

Month: June 2018

Rhea’s Birthday Fundraiser for Interstitial Cystitis Association

On behalf of the ICA and IC community, we extend our thanks to Rhea for creating a birthday fundraiser! “For my birthday this year, I’m asking for donations to the…


I.C. A Cure Comedy Night

ICA is grateful for the leadership role Haley Wiscount is taking to raise IC awareness and fundraise for ICA.  Haley has chosen to host a Comedy Night featuring comedian Joe…


IC and Exercise Survey

ICA is conducting a survey for the next issue of the ICA Update. This survey will focus on IC and exercise and should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. Thank…

What Does IC Actually Feel Like?

Check out this video by YouTuber MissM where she talks about what having IC feels like: Do you have an IC video you would like to share with us?…

Barb Zarnikow presenting on behalf of ICA at the AUA Patient Advocacy Hub

ICA at the 2018 American Urological Association (AUA) Annual Meeting

One of the many things your donations support is IC awareness and education of healthcare providers to help ensure early diagnosis and optimal care for IC patients. That includes ICA’s…