News & Blog

Month: April 2018

Drug Company ‘Shenanigans’ to Block Generics Come Under Federal Scrutiny

“Dr. Scott Gottlieb, the commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, said recently that drug makers must “end the shenanigans” that prevent competing products from reaching the market.” Read more…


Doing Harm Book Release

The ICA is featured in the new book Doing Harm about gender bias in the medical system. Check out an excerpt and order today to help generate buzz for this…

Large group of children jumping in the park and having fun.

Has ex primis quidam adipisci

Ut diam appareat has, te sea elitr scriptorem liberavisse. Duo ne assueverit definitionem, at labores quaerendum vim. Eos no posse timeam volumus. Stet tation quaestio mel in, decore appareat vim…

IStock 000060345702 Medium

Eos no posse timeam volumus

Ei legimus voluptua perpetua has, augue eirmod electram sit ex, quo an aeque appareat. Quot epicuri at mel, at modo consulatu usu. Cibo nihil instructior sit eu. Inani aliquip omittantur…

IStock 000054223966 Medium

Quot epicuri at mel at modo consulatu usu

Id has ullum aliquando. Vidit oratio laudem sit te, vidit graeco ut has. Lorem oportere eum te, vim sint falli an. Qui an ridens corpora, eam et amet labore aliquando.…


Amy’s IC Journey

My name is Amy Macnow and I want to share how the Interstitial Cystitis Association (ICA) has benefited me and the more than 5 million men and women in the…

ICA Calling for Applications for Board of Directors

Apply by May 15, 2018 Interstitial Cystitis Association (ICA) is calling for applications of knowledgeable, engaged, and inspired volunteers to fill positions to lead, advise, and support the activities of…