News & Blog

Month: March 2018

ICA Attends Grünenthal Kick-off Meeting

On February 14, 2018 in Cambridge, MA, ICA attended a kick-off meeting hosted by Grünenthal, to represent the diverse voices of patients living with pain. Here are a few highlights…

Understanding the Symptoms of IC/BPS Survey – Thank You from Grünenthal

It is with great pleasure that I am including this note in the ICA eNews to thank you, the constituents of the ICA, for the overwhelming response to our recent…

Desert Harvest Webinar on YouTube

ICA hosted a webinar, sponsored by our corporate partner, Desert Harvest on February 27. The webinar is now available to view on ICA’s YouTube channel at

ICA Marketing Survey

We are conducting a survey of people associated with Interstitial Cystitis (IC) and could use your help answering the questions below to determine how to help educate people newly diagnosed…