News & Blog

Month: August 2017
Cooking vegetable soup with beetroot

ICA Puts the Science Into Diet and the Fun Back In Food!

For years, IC patients have known that what they eat can make a big difference in their IC symptoms, and the American Urological Association lists diet modification as a first-line…


IC-friendly Stretching Can Help Relax the Pelvic Floor

From the winter 2016 issue of the ICA Update. Stretching with IC can relax the pelvic floor and surrounding muscles, releasing the stress and tension that builds up in the…

Does Your Cat Have IC? recently published an article entitled Healthy Paws: Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease. “Ever had a cat that peed on things around the house when they were “mad” or were…


Deep Breathing in 10 Easy Steps

From the Spring/Summer 2013 ICA Update Slow, deep breathing is a common feature of many relaxation techniques. It is fairly simple and a good starting place on your journey to…

IC Featured in Article released an article last week on interstitial cystitis (IC) and intimacy. On behalf of the ICA and the more than 12 million people in the U.S. who have IC,…