News & Blog

Month: July 2017

Call for Stories of Hope

Do you have an IC story you want to share with the IC community? Stories are being accepted from patients and healthcare providers, as well as family and friends of…


A Message from ICA Board Member, Barb Zarnikow

My journey with interstitial cystitis (IC) has been very long and at times lonely. Although I was diagnosed as an adult, I remember the life altering and painful symptoms long…


Pain Connection

From the Fall/Winter 2015 issue of the ICA Update. For chronic pain sufferers, support can be as close as a phone call away. Chronic pain can be isolating, both physically…


Raising Awareness for IC

ICA Board Vice-Chair Irma Rodriguez and her husband Fred walked in the Atlanta Peachtree Race on July 4th. It’s the biggest 10k in the nation with 60,000 runners. They did…


5 Ways to Use ICA’s Online Support Community

From the Spring 2015 ICA Update “3:55 a.m. and I’m awake with unbearable pain,” one IC patient wrote recently. And while the middle of the night is no time to…

Where do you go to for information about IC?

ICA is conducting a survey for the next issue of the ICA Update. This survey will focus on IC and health literacy and should take about 5 – 10 minutes…