News & Blog

Month: January 2017

Naturopath Saved My Life

My name is Kathy Martone and I have suffered with IC (I am a patient) for almost a year. For me IC was horribly painful with intense burning and stabbing-like…

Understanding Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome

Register for this free webinar hosted by Dr. Curtis Nickel, an IC/BPS researcher in Canada who co-authored the new Canadian IC guidelines. The event will take place on February 15…

IC Patient Raising Awareness

Interstitial cystitis (IC) patient, Dani Jo Williams was interviewed on a local news channel for giving back to her community. She was told she would never dance again due to…

Action Alert . . . Contact Congress Regarding Bipartisan Healthcare Reform

Please contact your two Senators and your House Representative to ask them to support critical patient protections during the current healthcare reform effort Background Congress is currently debating significant changes…

Women Form Bladder Disease Support Group

Two Mississippi women who suffer with IC have formed a new support group to help others facing the little understood illness. Rosa Harville and Bonnie Mitchell, RN, are the founders…

Blogger Raising Awareness for IC

Alana Saltz writes about how IC has taken over her life. The article is entitled I have a common bladder condition no one talks about & it’s taking over my…


A Husband’s Perspective

This goes out to everyone who thinks they can’t take it anymore, living with someone who is living with IC. I’ve heard of spouses leaving because they couldn’t take it…


Know There May Be Roadblocks

I get up every morning and face the day not knowing whether I’ll be having a good or difficult “IC bladder day.” Having had IC for over 23 years, I’ve…

7 Ways to Help Control Interstitial Cystitis Symptoms

Robert J. Evans III, MD, FACS and ICA Medical Advisory Board Member writes about how to help reduce stress to avoid IC flares. “Understanding stress and how to minimize it…