News & Blog

ICA 30-30-30 Campaign
“We are not just sufferers, we are survivors trying to live day-by-day with hope that someday more can be done to help us.” Make a gift of $30 or more…

Fight on Mighty Warriors
Hi, my name is Jassica Johnson. I’m a 24-year-old woman from Texas, and I suspect I’ve probably had IC since I was around 13 years old – nearly 12 years.…

Board Call Extended Through Sunday
Apply by: July 20, 2015 The Interstitial Cystitis Association (ICA) is calling for applications of knowledgeable, engaged, and inspired volunteers to fill up to four positions to lead, advise, and…

Working Together to Advance Interstitial Cystitis Research
The Interstitial Cystitis Association is proud to announce its collaboration with the Urology Care Foundation, the official foundation of the American Urological Association. The ICA is funding two new research…

Lupus Cystitis Can Point to More Severe Lupus; Intensive Follow-Up Recommended
Koh JH, Lee J, Jung SM, Ju JH, Park SH, Kim HY, Kwok SK. Lupus cystitis in Korean patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: risk factors and clinical outcomes. Lupus. 2015…

Botulinum Toxin Type A May Be an Alternative IC Treatment, When Other Treatments Fail
Akiyama Y, Nomiya A, Niimi A, Yamada Y, Fujimura T, Nakagawa T, Fukuhara H, Kume H, Igawa Y, Homma Y. Botulinum toxin type A injection for refractory interstitial cystitis: A…

New Recommendations Call for Standardizing Diagnosis and Treatment of IC/BPS
Esteban M, Adot JM, Arlandis S, Peri L, Prieto L, Salinas J, Cozar JM; Grupo de trabajo para las recomendaciones en el diagnóstico y manejo del síndrome de dolor vesical.…

Botulinum Toxin A May Be Effective in IC and Other Chronic Pelvic Pain Conditions
Jhang JF, Kuo HC. Novel Treatment of Chronic Bladder Pain Syndrome and Other Pelvic Pain Disorders by OnabotulinumtoxinA Injection. Toxins (Basel). 2015 Jun 18;7(6):2232-50. doi: 10.3390/toxins7062232. This comprehensive review article…

Sex-Related Pain: Clinicians Must Recognize Negative Effects and Intervene to Help
Graziottin A, Gambini D, Bertolasi L. Genital and sexual pain in women. Handb Clin Neurol. 2015;130:395-412. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-444-63247-0.00023-7. Sex-related pain is an all too common problem that often goes unaddressed,…

Fibromyalgia Frequently Occurs in Tandem with Interstitial Cystitis, Other Conditions
Clauw DJ. Fibromyalgia and Related Conditions. Mayo Clin Proc. 2015 May;90(5):680-692. doi: 10.1016/j.mayocp.2015.03.014. This comprehensive article on fibromyalgia was written to help clinicians better understand the disorder, which is characterized…