News & Blog

NIH-Supported Researchers Map Epigenome of More than 100 Tissue and Cell Types
Chemical compounds that modify, or mark, the genome in a way that tells it what to do, where to do it and when to do it, is known as the…

Endometriosis Awareness 2015
March is Endometriosis Awareness Month! This event takes place across the globe every March with the mission of raising awareness of a disease which affects an estimated 176 million women…

NIH’s Dr. Collins Interview with Paul Basken of The Chronicle of Higher Education
Director of the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Francis S. Collins was recently interviewed by Paul Basken of The Chronicle of Higher Education. In the interview, Dr. Collins spoke of…

Only TWO WEEKS REMAINING to Submit Your Application for the ICA Pilot Research Program
The Interstitial Cystitis Association (ICA) invites investigators from all disciplines interested in studying interstitial cystitis (IC), also known as painful bladder syndrome or bladder pain syndrome, to submit an application…

Review of Cake
Last month the film Cake, starring Jennifer Aniston, opened in theatres nationwide. It attempts to accurately depict the life of a woman struggling with chronic pain. If you’re considering seeing…

Beyond Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Last week The Institute of Medicine released its much anticipated report, “Beyond Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; Redefining an Illness.” In it, IOM makes four key recommendations: That the U.S. Department…

Nationwide Survey Reveals Widespread Use of Mind and Body Practices
According to a large nationally representative survey developed by NIH’s National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health…

Hydrocodone 100 Days Survey
The National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association (NFMCPA) is conducting a survey to learn about the impact new Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations have…