News & Blog

The “IC Tiger” Has Been Tamed!
I am blessed. Life is good. I have struggled with the “IC Tiger,” but that tiger has finally been tamed. There is hope. It has been over 20 years since…

CDC Draft Opioid Prescribing Guideline Now Available for Public Comment
Under pressure from pain advocates (including ICA) for greater transparency and more public input, CDC has opened a 30-day comment period on its opioid prescribing guideline for chronic pain:!home.…

ICA’s Online Support Community Has Been Redesigned
We’re excited to announce that our partner, Inspire, has redesigned ICA’s Online Support Community platform to offer an improved experience for those affected by interstitial cystitis (IC). Inspire’s new platform…

New Voices of Hope- The “IC Tiger” Has Been Tamed!
Lori has struggled with the “IC Tiger,” but that tiger has finally been tamed. Read this and other personal Voices of Hope stories. Do you have a story about IC…

Tame the Holiday Blues
It’s official — the holiday season is in full swing. For those with chronic pain, it may not feel like cause for celebration because this time of year can also…

‘Tis the Season to Be Generous – 12 Ways of Giving to ICA
We understand that the holidays are a crazy time of year for most people. But it is also the time of year when IC patients need our services the most.…

Give Two Gifts for the Price of One – Shop Amazon
Did you know you can shop on Amazon and help ICA at the same time? Make any purchase from Amazon by clicking here and a portion of your sale will…

We Take the Stress Out of Holiday Travel!
At this time of year, many IC patients worry about how they are going to survive the drive to grandma’s house! Travel presents many challenges for people with interstitial cystitis…